Without a doubt the most exciting game I've ever played. For those of you not familiar with Descent, here's what it's all about.

Something has gone terribly wrong in the mining out-posts of the Post-Terran Mining Company (PTMC). The robots that do the day-to-day work of extracting minerals, etc have gone berserk. Not only have mining operations come to a stand-still, but they have even killed or imprisoned several of the human workers. It has been determined that some unknown alien race has taken over the mines and turned the robots into monsters. You have been hired by PTMC to cleanse the mines of the alien infestation. At the same time you must rescue the hostages, destroy the main reactor which powers the mine, and, of course, get out alive.

Wolfenstein 3D started the first person shooter craze, Doom made it popular, and Quake refined it, but Descent took it that one step further by adding a true 3D environment. The ability to have unrestricted movement surpassed all other first person shooters. When I first started playing this game, I was looking for Dramamine to cure my motion sickness. Exciting, dizzying, fun...what else can I say.



Full 360 degree environment (true 3-D)

Artificial intelligent robots. They adjust their actions based upon your tactics.

30 levels from Mercury to Pluto (includes secret levels)

Multi-directional sound effects

8-player Network and Tournament mode. (Anarchy, Team Anarchy, and Cooperative) Can also be played 2-player head-to-head via modem or       on some internet gaming sites such as Kali or Kahn..


DEscent Files





Descent Shareware Version 1.4


2.9 mb

7 level demo
Descent Patch Version 1.0 to 1.5


566 kb upgrades v1.0 to v 1.5
Descent Patch Version 1.4a to 1.5


239 kb upgrades v1.4 to v1.5






GABBAGABBAHEY Enables cheats BUGGIN Turbo Mode (Speeds up everything including enemies) POBOYS Blows the reactor
SCOURGE WowieZowie Weapons BRUIN Extra Life ASTRAL Ghost mode (allows you to go through some doors and some walls)
RACERX Invulnerability On/Off BIGRED Super Wowie Zowie Weapons (Every weapon in the game) PORGYS MEGA Wowie Zowie Weapons
GUILE Cloak On/Off FLASH Illuminates a path to the exit LUNACY Robots move fast, fire seldom
TWILIGHT Shields Recharged AHISMA Turns off enemy ships firing PLETCH### Replace ### with a 3 digit number from 000 to 998. When you fire upon or hit a robot with a flare, it paints the robot with a new texture. 999 turns off painting.
FARMERJOE Warp to another level [Alt-F] Displays full map



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Rick K. Powelson
Copyright  1996 Wise Guy Indians. All rights reserved.
Revised: February 18, 2001.